A large corporation awards the SME a development contract but reserves all rights to the product design from the outset. How can the client SME increase its chances of success for a subsequent supply agreement during the call for tender?
Our assignments
- Analysis of the status quo with regards to patents
- Structuring the clients situation-specific constraints
- Development of measures and synthesis into recommendations for action
Our customised solution
- Multidimensional patent portfolio analysis in close cooperation with our partner Intergrate-IP (landscaping, technology screening, patent portfolio strength analysis)
- Know-how analysis of the client (not-patented, requiring confidentiality)
- IP strategy for the „development project acquisition” phase
- Know-how strategy (requiring confidentiality)
- Drafting a strategy document for management
Client benefit
- Technological leadership with financial benefits due to profitable multi-year supply contracts for the developed technology
- Preservation of Switzerland as production location