As you have certainly already heard, last year Switzerland introduced the instrument of patent boxes, which allows certain tax deductions for cantonal company tax. Is it worthwile for your company to create patentboxes? Calculate it yourself right here!
In order to get a quick and simple overview in this relatively complex system and to find out whether it is worthwhile for your company to create patentboxes or not, we have created a patentbox-calculator where you can calculate online different scenarios of up to four patentboxes.
We hope that – thanks to our new service – you will find the right strategy for your company regarding patentboxes. Of course, we are at your disposal if you wish to apply for patents.
By the way: Our free patent box seminar, which we were planning to hold for our customers on June 4, 2020 at the Hotel Gotthard in Zurich, unfortunately had to be postponed. If you are interested in an invitation to this, you can let us know using our contact form or by sending an email to verwaltung(at) You will hear from us as soon as the postponement date is known.