The beautiful 4-star Central Plaza Hotel in Zurich was the venue for our IP Culture Workshop this year on September 15, 2020. It was themed: The IP Strategies of the Market Leaders – An Overview with Examples.
A select group of seven participants were able to register for our workshop and the places were filled within a very short time.
We were able to win Dr. Christian Reinders as a speaker. He works as Chief IP Counsel Intellectual Property Rights for the DRÄXLMAIER Group. Questions such as “How to deal with patents of third parties?” or “What are important aspects of a patent strategy?” were explained in detail and illustrated with examples.
How to design a successful patent strategy is summarized by Dr. Reinders with the following points:
• Implement an innovation process from the initial idea to the sale / operation / recycling of the product, preferably taking patents into account.
• Use and analyze patent data to
- determine your own position in the patent landscape
- Mitigate patent infringement risk (FTO) and adjust development goals as needed
• Consider IP business models for the relevant market
• Actively develop your own IP business model and thus your own patent strategy
“Dr. Reinders’ presentation was very exciting and informative and gave not only the guests but also ourselves some food for thought” stated Mirko Schade, one of our patent attorneys. If you are interested, we will be happy to provide you with the relevant presentation, just contact us via email at verwaltung(at)
We received great feedback from our participants and are already looking forward to next year.
Would you like to participate in our IP Culture Workshop next year? Register now with your name, company and email address at verwaltung(at)