Mirko Schade

Hannes Spillmann

Professional activity

Armed with technical knowledge and several years of industry experience, Mirko Schade puts a particular focus on the economic benefit to the client. He leverages his great interest in the economic-strategic connections of industrial property rights primarily in the analysis and definition of IP strategies. He is also intimately familiar with the grant procedures at the German and European patent offices.

Areas of expertise

  • Mechanical engineering / mechanics
  • Aerospace engineering
  • Turbine technology
  • Wind turbines
  • Automation technology
  • Machine tool engineering
  • Automotive and vehicle technology
  • Process technology
  • Air conditioning and refrigeration equipment



Imaginative man of action

Mirko Schade unifies three worlds at once: Technology, law and economics. As a graduate aerospace engineer and patent attorney, he brings valuable tools for our work and, through his MBA studies, also has a broad knowledge of business administration. He has successfully managed his own company for years and knows the concerns of business leaders. In his projects, he never loses his firm grasp of the business management perspective when examining technical and legal issues.


  • 2017 Managing partner heading the German Keller Schneider Patentanwalts GmbH offices in Munich
  • 2017 Joined Keller Schneider Patentanwalts GmbH as a patent attorney
  • 2016 Founded a management consultancy focussing on strategy & research
  • 2014 Patent attorney with an international industrial firm
  • 2014 Admission as German patent attorney, European design and trademark attorney
  • 2014 Patent attorney training at the German Patent and Trademark Office and the Federal Patent Court
  • 2013 Degree in law for patent attorneys, Fernuniversität Hagen
  • 2011 Patent engineer with a renowned patent law firm in Munich
  • 2011 Completion of MBA, University of St. Gallen
  • 2005 Graduation as Dipl. Ing. (univ.) aerospace engineer, UniBw Munich
  • 1999 Promotion to officer in the German armed forces


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