Martin Schneider

Dr. Martin Schneider

Professional activity

Martin Schneider has many years of experience in all areas of intellectual property law as well as in distribution, licensing, unfair competition, advertising, media and IT law. One focus is on the negotiation and drafting of contracts for the commercialization of intellectual property rights such as patents, trademarks or copyrights, including software and television rights. He assists and advises start-up companies in the development and expansion of their business (including corporate law, shareholders’ agreements, protection and exploitation of intellectual property rights). Before founding and expanding the law firms Schneider Feldmann AG and Grüter Schneider & Partner AG, he was founder of Dr. Schneider & Partner AG, Intellectual Property Rights, part-time legal secretary of the Swiss Federal Appeals Commission for Intellectual Property, section head at the Swiss Federal Institute of Intellectual Property, associate at a law firm in Zurich and license manager at a large Swiss industrial group. He wrote his doctoral thesis on “Protection of Corporate Secrets against Unauthorized Exploitation”. Martin Schneider is also a former LES president and still a board member.

Areas of expertise

  • All areas of intellectual property law
  • Licensing, distribution, unfair competition, advertising, media and IT law
  • Support and advice for start-ups in all matters (corporate law, shareholders’ agreements, intellectual property law, etc.)

Publications (selection)

Martin Schneider, Schutz des Unternehmensgeheimnisses vor unbefugter Verwertung, Bern 1989 (mit einer Besprechung von L. David, SJZ, Heft 13/86, Juli 1990) –Dissertation

M. Schneider/D. Kahn/M. Zenhäusern / W. Haring, Integrale Markenführung –14Grundsätze, wie Markenwert aufgebaut, erhalten und gesteigert werden kann (Bern 2003)

M. Pedergnana, M. Schneider, St. Vogler (Hg.), Banks & Brands, Bern 2003

U. Grüter / M. Schneider / M. Senn (Hg.), –Handbuch des schweizerischen Kommunikationsrechts-und Immaterialgüterrechts für Studium und Praxis, Zürich 2012 (2. Auflage)  

Professional essays
Lloyd/Loint's: Europarechtliche Kriterien der markenrechtlichen Verwechslungs-gefahr, sic! 2000, 37 ff.

Swisslex-Westlaw –umfassende JurInfothek auf dem Internet: Bemerkungen zu ihrem Ausbaustandard und Gedanken zur Zukunft juristischer Datenbanken in der Schweiz, SJZ 96 (2000), 73 ff.

Der Beitrag der Demoskopie zur Entscheidfindung im schweizerischen Markenrecht: Durchgesetzte Marke –berühmte Marke, sic! 2002, 817 –840 (Co-Autor zusammen mit Anne Niedermann)


  • 2020 Partner at Keller & Schneider Patent- und Markenanwälte AG (merger of Schneider Feldmann AG, Patent- und Markenanwälte with Keller & Partner Patentanwälte AG)
  • 2005-2020 Founder Schneider Feldmann AG, Patent and Trademark Attorneys
  • 1998-2004 Founder Dr. Schneider & Partner AG, Intellectual Property Rights, Zurich
  • 1998-2006 Legal Secretary of the Swiss Federal Appeals Commission for Intellectual Property, Bern (part-time)
  • 1994-1997 Section Head at the Swiss Federal Institute of Intellectual Property
  • 1993-1994 Employee of a commercial law firm in Zurich
  • 1988 - 1992 Project manager in a Swiss industrial group at the locations Paris/Aubergenville and London/Maidenhead


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